Vanora Franklin Legaux knows that the art of storytelling is the art of spoken love, oral history, and poetic expression. The beauty and power of her richly told and uniquely crafted tales has captivated audiences in cities across the country and brought delight to the hearts of countless listeners. Passionate, enthusiastic, and devoted to the age-old art and practice of the African griot, Vanora has amassed a catalogue of beautifully written stories that seem tailor-made for the oral tradition. Among Vanora’s personal favorite works are: The Autobiography of Della Foster-One Step at a Time (a true story drawn from the life of her grandmother who lived to be 107 years old); Evelyn Teasing Tan & Big Sis, and lastly, For Sisters Whose MonthOutlast Their Money.
Born in the great, eternal city of New Orleans, Vanora is the founder of the crescent city’s Stronger Hope Biblical Storytelling Guild, a member of the South East Louisiana Storytellers, the National Storytelling Network, the Network of Biblical Storytellers, and life member and the immediate past Southern Region Area VI Coordinator of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. She is also the Griot for the Southern Region Youth Affiliates of Zeta Phi Beta.
In 2004 Vanora served as Festival Co-Director of the 22nd Annual “In the Tradition…” National Black Storytelling Festival & Conference in New Orleans. Yet her biggest challenge, and most satisfying success, came with the 25th Annual occasion of this remarkable event. As the Festival Director for the November 2007 “In the Tradition…” Vanora coordinated the conference with the assistance of KUUMBA—the NABS affiliate for the host city, Atlanta, Georgia—and oversaw an incredible weekend that managed to exceed everyone’s expectations and inspire a new generation of spirits.
A retired school teacher and counselor with 33 years of service in the Orleans Parish School system, Vanora Franklin Legaux has taken her life experiences, traditions, and the many tales spun by her own soul and turned them into a love that is beautifully spoken, a history that is orally given, and a poetry that is expressed with the passion of her ancestors.
To learn more about Vanora Legaux please read her resume.